a note from tracey
Taking time out of your crazy schedule is not easy. I totally get that. Thank you for stopping to explore.
A few things you might want to know:
- I care deeply about people. How they think, feel and act affects the ultimate success of companies.
- I am nerdy about systems and processes. I get super goosebump(ishly) excited when the dots are connected and things run sweetly.
- Lean methodologies and agile teams are deeply entrenched in my being, thinking and doing.
- I believe that teams need to operate optimally in the present. To do this, they need an active understanding of the future.
- I have a bugbear about the 'follow-like-sheep' mentality. I write a lot about it here
- I am equally excited when speaking to audiences about my take on team performance as I am to watching our team thrive from my desk at my home office in Wellington, South Africa.
- I am a big picture detail dodger with a weird attraction to understanding how things work. I know this makes little sense, but it is totally true.
- I am honest, direct and totally to the point. Although I do try be gentle when necessary, I believe that too much time is wasted on beating around the bush. It's unproductive otherwise.
- My theme for the year is love. Not the hearts, flowers and kisses, but the pure science behind love and how that attributes to the chemistry of a great team.
- I am married to the funniest guy who cooks and cares for me as if I were a princess. We are privileged to parent 2 kids (and a dog!).
- Oh, I'm also Co-CEO and founder at WNDYR, a multinational company whose primary goal is to transform work.